The users.ini file in your addons\amx\config folder is where players are given admin priviledges under AMX. It contains the different levels of admin access for a default install. Below are some examples of how to set up admin access for your admins.
The first part of the users.ini file is labeled "Access Flags". These letters will define what commands your admins will have access to:
Access flags:
a - immunity (immune to AMX commands such as kick, slap, or ban.)
b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
c - amx_kick command
d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands
e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands
f - amx_map command
g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
h - amx_cfg command
i - amx_chat and other chat commands
j - amx_vote and other vote commands
k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
n - custom level B
o - custom level C
p - custom level D
q - custom level E
r - custom level F
s - custom level G
t - custom level H
u - menu access
z - user
The next part of the users.ini is labeled "Account Flags". These options control how the user is authenticated:
Account flags:
a - disconnect player on invalid password
b - clan tag
c - this is steamid (or wonid)
d - this is ip
e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed)
The last part is only required if your server is a listen serverDedicated Server:
The server runs in a text console and was a seperate download apart from the client. Or it has been run from the Dedicated Server entry in Steam.
Listen Server:
You start up your client and then start the server from the in-game menu, then others connect to you.. This will allow you to have admin access while running the server.
"loopback" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
The format of making an admin
The format of the entry for each admin is this:
Admin Access by Player Name or Clan tag
(Best for LAN, ok for Internet)
This is not the best way to grant admin access. It requires the client to set a password on their end. Many players can do this, how ever many do not grasp the concept of editing config files let alone with the correct info. It's a burden on the person setting up the access and the person receiving it in the end, and there is no added security with this method over access by Steam ID.
"Puking Horse"If you change your name, then this will not work. "bizzybee"A password is required here or anyone using the name specified will have that persons admin access. "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"Access flags "a"Account flags:
The a value is optional. This would deter players from trying to get admin access with by kicking them after too many wrong guesses.
"[-O-]"If your name does not have the clan tag in it, then this will not work. "wacky"A password is required here or anyone using the clan tag specified will have admin access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"Access flags "a"Account flags:
The a value is optional. This would deter players from trying to get admin access with by kicking them after too many wrong guesses.
(Hint: Hover your mouse over the admin entries listed above for additional tips)
Above is what you do on the server's side. The client must have the password entered on their side also. To do that, create a file in your cstrike folder called userconfig.cfg if you don't already have one. In it, have the client put setinfo _pw "password" in it. For example:
setinfo _pw "bizzybee"
The password field and password should match what you have on the server. For more info on this, go here.
Admin Access by IP address
(Best for LAN, ok for Internet)
You would want to use this method only if you are connecting to a server on a LANLocal Arena Network. On a LAN without internet access, players will not have unique Steam id's. So this method allows you to assign admin rights to your computer's address instead. If the IP is dynamic, then this could change though so keep that in mind.
""To find out what your IP is:
Win9x: Start/Run type winipcfg and press OK.
WinNT/2K/XP: Start/Run/cmd then type ipconfig and press enter. ""No password is required here, but the empty quotes are still required. "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"Access flags. "de"Account flags:
The d indicates to authenticate the IP. The player name is ignored.
The e tells AMX to ignore the password field. Since you are connecting by IP this way, there is no need for a password. Note that the password field is still there, just blank.
Admin Access by Steam or WON ID
(Best for Internet, won't work for LAN with out Internet access.)
This is the method I prefer. Admin access is set up for the clients with this one line. The client doesn't have to do anything. Once you get the player's Steam ID, that's all that is needed. You don't even need a password since your Steam/WON ID is yours and no one else can have it unless your CD-Key gets out. (Use your wonid if applicable. Examples shown work for Steam and WON servers.)
"STEAM_0:1:12345"To find your Steam ID, connect to a server and type status inthe console. ""No password is required here, but the empty quotes are still required. "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"Access flags. "ce"Account flags:
The c indicates to authenticate the Steam ID. The player name is ignored.
The e tells AMX to ignore the password field. There is no need for a password although it can be used if you insist. Note that the password field is still there, just blank.
Just a reserved slot?
I am going to use my preferred method shown above. While a reserved slot does not allow players to perform admin commands on others, it is still set up like any other admin would be set up, but with just one flag.
"STEAM_0:1:54321"To find your Steam ID, connect to a server and type status inthe console. ""No password is required here, but the empty quotes are still required. "b" Access flags. "ce"Account flags:
The c indicates to authenticate the Steam ID. The player name is ignored.
The e tells AMX to ignore the password field. There is no need for a password although it can be used if you insist. Note that the password field is still there, just blank.
Putting it all together
Now if all the players mentioned above were in the same users.ini file it would look like this:
"Puking Horse" "bizzybee" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a" ; Jason
"[-O-]" "wacky" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a" ; clan [-O-]
"" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de" ; Jeff's IP
"STEAM_0:1:12345" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce" ; Bigz - Mike
"STEAM_0:1:54321" "" "b" "ce" ; Mark
I like to use comments in config files and use of the TAB key keeps things formatted nicely too. Sometimes you can forget who some people are or they change their player name alot. So comments at the end of a line can be useful in adding more details about the person. Use a semi-colom ";" at the beginning of a comment in .ini files. What ever is behind the ; is ignored by AMX.
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